We pass one holiday and into another. There never seems to be enough prep time in between Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. However, you always seem to make it through. Let our wholesale florists at Hardin's Wholesale Florist Supply in Liberty, NC help make the transition between the holiday a little easier by preparing with these must-have flowers for Mother’s Day.
The Rose
It is as timeless as moms on Mother’s Day. Rose are among the most popular flowers in the world, regardless of the time of the year. These brilliant beauties are undeniably guaranteed to ensure a successful Mother’s Day. They are a must-have stocked flower.
The Tulip
The delicate tulip is a must for your shop’s Mother’s Day stock. These beauties exude fall and all it has to offer. They are truly an ideal flower for Mother’s Day stock because they are bright, colorful and genuinely uplifting-just like mom.
The Lily
The lively Lily is among the rose’s most popular pair. With its exotic look and delicate feel, the lily is a must flower for Mother’s Day. They pair nicely with many flowers and stand beautifully on their own.
The Orchid
The orchid is a well-loved flower throughout the year. It is a more expensive flower to keep in stock, but with its life span and its versatile, the orchid is an ideal Mother’s Day must.
The Carnation
The carnation is one flower florists love to persuade customers to buy. They are a relatively inexpensive flower that is almost always held in shop. Wholesale carnations are ideal for Mother’s Day. Although their worth is often debated, their versatility and delicate touch add a unique range to any bouquet. Wholesale carnations aren’t just ideal for Mother’s Day. Keeping bulk carnations in store year round is always a great approach.
When considering the must-have flowers for Mother’s Day, consider these top flowers. Have the perfect compliments waiting to impress your customers when they debate wholesale carnations. Wholesale carnations are among the simplest and most accomplished flowers.
Take on Mother’s Day full swing with a plan. Stock up on the right products and wholesale carnations to top off the holiday.

Let’s face it. We wouldn’t be where we are without moms. Literally, we wouldn’t be here. Mother’s Day is such a major part of the floral industry because of the position mom holds in many lives. Take on Mother’s Day full force because if mom isn't happy, nobody is happy. Our wholesale florists at Hardin's Wholesale Florist Supply in Liberty, NC are here to help.
Like any other major floral holiday, Mother’s Day prep is essential. In order to get through the holiday rush, you’ll need to have an adequate stock of Mother’s Day flowers. Stick with the classics, Roses, Lilies and Peonies, or add variety with Orchids, Sunflowers and Tulips.
Choosing the ideal Mother’s Day flowers are a major priority when prepping for the holiday. It is important to check back logs along with your loyal employees’ overall assessment. Looking through records of your overall orders of Mother’s Day flowers will help you narrow down the numbers, and your employees’ assessment will help narrow down the nitty gritty of the holiday chaos.
Whether it is your first Mother’s Day in shop or your twentieth, the holiday is changing just like the popularity of Mother’s Day flowers. Having a variety of Mother’s Day flowers in stock will help your shop stand out. Have everything your customers didn’t know they needed without breaking the bank.
Overstocking Mother’s Day flowers can punch a major hole into your profit margin. Get your staff’s overall opinion, review previous holiday spending and check the latest trends for moms. Putting in a little extra research can be the determining factor between a successful and an uneventful Mother’s Day in your flower shop.

Prepping for Mother’s Day is a major task in and of itself. It is one of the three holidays in the floral industry where all hands go on deck, and preparation is key. This Mother’s Day, consider prepping in a different way. Stock up on more than flowers this Mother’s Day with the help of our wholesale florists at Hardin's Wholesale Florist Supply in Liberty, NC.
Every florist should prepare for Mother’s Day in a way that is best for their business. It is important to be more prepared for Mother’s Day than just with flowers. It is important to prepare for Mother’s Day with the adequate number of vases, balloons, chocolates, candles and bears. The list can go on, but make sure your selection is diverse.
There should always be a selection of items available for your customers for Mother’s Day. There is going to be a wide selection of fathers and children that come in unsure of what to get mom. Help make their selection process easier. They are going to want your guidance. Talk with them about what makes mom special and have a selection of gifts available to compliment that special woman int their life. Florists, it is time to prepare for Mother’s Day. Adequate choices help make your shop stand out among competitors. It shows you have variety to offer and a mission to please your customers.
It is vital to plan out your stock for the holidays. Have a variety of flowers, vases and compliment pieces available to make Mother’s Day feel special. It is more than a day for gifts. It is important for florists to prepare for Mother’s Day with more than just flowers. Mothers are one of the most selfless, versatile and caring people known to man, so give them options that are perfect for their mom. Collect a variety of gifts that their loved ones can choose from. Show you customer that you know what their mother means to them by preparing for Mother’s Day