
Wholesale Florist & Floral Supplier Association is a dynamic business organization uniquely positioned to provide our members with the information, services and support they need to remain competitive in today's constantly changing market.
visit their website at

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Society of American Florists is the only national trade association that represents all segments of the U.S. floral industry. Our members include the top retailers, growers, wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, suppliers, educators, students, and allied organizations. SAF is the face and voice of a strong, unified floral industry.
visit their website at

International Floral Distributors, Inc. (IFD) is a marketing company owned by 25 like-minded floral wholesale distributors focused on gaining business advantages for each member.
visit their website at

North Carolina State Florists Association shall be a non-profit organization; and the object and purpose of this Association shall be to promote the love of floriculture in this State and to promote and to encourage the development of their industries, to classify their products. to hold meetings and exhibitions, to cooperate with the National and State Governments on all antitrust laws, and with horticultural bodies in disseminating horticultural knowledge, to encourage and foster business ethics and friendly understanding in and among the various branches of the industry, always remembering the interest of the ultimate users of its products and in general to assume responsibility as the Trade Organization of the Florist Industry within the confines of the State of North Carolina.
visit their website at